Spiritual Direction at the Retreat

On Tuesday, we are pleased to offer a limited number of spiritual direction sessions at a discounted rate of $30/session. Each session will be 45 minutes long and will be with a trained spiritual director. If you’ve never experienced spiritual direction, this may be your chance. Click on the link below to register. (The spots will fill up, so please register soon.)

We hope you will take advantage of this sacred time.

If you are interested in learning more about the practice of Spiritual Direction, here are a few resources we would recommend.

Spiritual direction has a very clear agenda: directing our attention to the presence of God in our lives. The language of direction recalls for us the legitimate place of spiritual authority and accountability in our lives. But first and foremost, spiritual direction is the ministry of directing our thoughts and the movements of our hearts toward God and the presence of God in our lives.

A spiritual director urges us to focus our thoughts—to direct our heart and mind—to God. This is typically and rightly done gently and perhaps by way of either question or suggestion. As a rule, we will not feel the force of the director’s presence or intentions as much as the gracious nudging, the gentle urging that calls our attention back to God. A director might ask, ‘Where do you sense the presence of God in your life at this time?’ or perhaps offer a suggestion: ‘As I listen to you, I wonder if it might not be good to consider the following course of action.’ In either instance, the intent is the same: through question or suggestion this companion is directing our attention to the presence of God in our lives.
— Gordon T. Smith