hear what others are saying...
“I appreciated getting to meet and connect with a lot of people, time for quiet and solitude was so good, as well as being explicitly directed to pursue delight! But, what was the most different from any retreat or church event I’ve experienced before was that it was shaped and led by a diverse group of people.”
“As a minister I never get to participate in worship without planning it. I never get to receive communion without presiding over it. I never get to be prayed for without having to pray. I had no idea how thirsty my soul was for these things. I was reminded why I chose this vocation, and how deeply I love worship, communion, and prayer. This was the most helpful part. I haven’t worshiped so honestly in maybe a decade. I’m so grateful for the way you facilitated our own connection to God and to each other.”
“Just being around people who have been in the trenches really helped to heal any bruises left on my spirit. The most helpful healing and connecting pieces to me included being in a place where I did not need to hide things like how God is not just a man, how racism is present in our culture and churches, or how my LGTBQ+ friends are as legitimately God-imaged as I am. Those pieces really helped me re-imagine what time it is for me in our tradition, to challenge and enter conversations I have not felt invited into or welcome in. It is time to lead boldly.”
“This time didn’t heal all the wounds that I brought with me, but it did show me that healing is possible. That God is present. You truly created a space that cares for pastors, and we need that so much. ”
“One of the most helpful things for me personally was the overall tone of invitation that you set as host alongside the beautiful, thoughtful, and structured design of the worship. Mixed with the group sharing times these were the most helpful things for me in the retreat. I still can’t put my finger on how you managed to create such a sense of immediate belonging and community but you and the team did.”
“It was incredibly life-giving to gather with folks who want to see churches move forward in ways that encourage questions, doubts, and new visions. Churches have so much potential to bring healing, positive change, and thriving to our communities. Many of us have experienced disappointment in our current and past churches, and it was enormously encouraging to spend time with others who want their churches to evolve. The first day alone felt like a big exhale and a relief.”
“It was also deeply meaningful to me that a room of mostly white, prolly mostly cisgender, able-bodied leaders sat under the pastoral teachings of two Black female priests, a Black male pastor, and a gay male pastor. It was a beautiful representation of the Gospel and the type of places I enjoy being postured under. Thank you!!!”
“I appreciated the beauty and energy of the city and the freedom to explore. I found the rhythm and honesty of the liturgies to be both healing and relieving. I also found the size of the group to be helpful—it felt intimate and safe while maintaining a diverse group of people coming from various cultural locations and backgrounds.”
“I felt as though each leader of the retreat was very in tune with what has been going on in our world and in the lives of spiritual leaders. I felt seen, heard, and understood. The honesty of the team was incredibly refreshing and I appreciated them pouring into us whether through prayer, karaoke, or restaurant suggestions. I felt very seen and cared for by the whole team.”
“What a gift to gather together with like-minded followers of Jesus during a season of my life and ministry where I am craving encouragement, rest, and joy. I am so grateful.”